Poster of Peter Pan & the Pirates

Peter Pan & the Pirates

Peter Pan & the Pirates is an American animated television series based on J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan that originally aired on Fox Broadcasting Company from September 8, 1990 to September 10, 1991. Repeats continued to air until September 11, 1992. A repeat of the series' Christmas episode was aired on December 25, 1993. The series was then on Fox in re-run form on weekday mornings from November 4, 1996 to March 28, 1997. Reruns were then shown on Fox Family in 1998.



Cast and Crew

Peter Pan & the Pirates

Peter Pan & the Pirates is an American animated television series based on J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan that originally aired on Fox Broadcasting Company from September 8, 1990 to September 10, 1991. Repeats continued to air until September 11, 1992. A repeat of the series' Christmas episode was aired on December 25, 1993. The series was then on Fox in re-run form on weekday mornings from November 4, 1996 to March 28, 1997. Reruns were then shown on Fox Family in 1998.

Orignal Language




Episodes per Season



Animation, Sci-Fi & Fantasy



Release Data


Produced By

Southern Star Productions, Tokyo Movie Shinsha

Streaming Network

FOX, Fox Kids

Recommendations for Peter Pan & the Pirates